Friday was a grueling 14-hour day that tested the limits not only of my acting ability, but also of my patience. We rolled up around 8am and were shipped off to the wardrobe spot where we were told to dress quickly. After gearing up they shipped us back to the spot and sent us to the hair and makeup bus at Thapae Gate. Thailand is super inefficient and it was no suprise to see all the ensuing chaos all day. I met a few interesting people that day which helped to reduce the tedium of endless uninformed waiting.
So as I mentioned in a previous post, I was Sgt Wesley for a few scenes. Later in the day we were all called for a big shoot and I was picked out of the line with 3 other guys and led deep inside the bar/set. We all got really excited as we assumed we were going to end up being placed near Denzel and therefore much more likely to appear in the shot. However, upon reaching the top floor the wardrobe guy said "Ok guys, I need you to take off all your clothes."
Obviously, I assumed this was to be my nude scene as Denzel's body double, but I was slightly mistaken. 4 guys in 70s gear who were playing the band in the bar needed to be soldiers in the next scene so we had to trade with them. We managed to weasel our way into a number of shots after that, but I have no idea if I will end up being seen in the film. It was an interesting experience. You my faithful reader(s) will likely be amused when you see my crazy far-too-tight 70s getup with painful high-heeled shoes and all. I nearly fell down the stairs
and my feet were so sore.
Security was pretty much non-existant. Random people (tourists mostly) kept walking into the shots completely oblivious, forcing us to reshoot a number of times.
Oh and finally, the girls were not nearly as smoking as the pics on the wall of the casting office led me to believe.
I got 2000 Baht for the day. The food was crap. Denezel spoke to nobody outside of the people running the show.