Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Uneventful Day
I studied some Thai today and listened to the first lesson of Pimsleurs Cantonese Level I. I am also about halfway through reading Song for Susannah, book six of The Dark Tower series. After that I headed to the 'bees in Lawrenceville (It was one of the jobs that got me out of this country in the first place). I attempted to get people to join me for the 12:01 showing of Spiderman 2, but it didn't happen. I'll see it soon enough.
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Monday, June 28, 2004
$3/hour Gaming on AOL at 9600 Baud. The Good Ol' Daze
Planet Lonely

Lonely in London.

What is the deal with LP anyways? What exactly is so great about backpacking (I never liked this word as a verb) around Europe or any otherwhere if all you do is hang out in hostels or guesthouses and get drunk with a bunch of other westernized folk with the same heavy inefficient-to-backpack-with-that-pegs-you-as-a-tourist book that you all like to carry? Are you folks that naive? Ok, so its friggin much cooler to be throwing back a nice 6 Euro bottle of wine in Paris then a $3 draft at Mcguinns Place in Lawrenceville, NJ, but are you really getting any useful life experience out of it? If that wasn't your goal in the first place and you weren't telling your friends this, you may be excused from this scolding.
Brilliant View!

I was completely stunned by the view from atop the Arc de Triumphe.

The view from the top Arc de Triumph in Paris is spectacular. Looking down,
you can see the huge circular road intersection that surrounds the monument.
Piles of ant-like cars endlessly orbit the traffic circle. Scanning in any
direction, you find that the Arc appears to be the center of a huge work of art.
The city unfolds before your eyes in a nearly seamless picturesque map out of a
dream. Each road easing out from its source, as if beams of light from the sun.
Each tree almost caressing the roads they line, as if gently brushing the paths
for your vision. In the distance, in any direction, your line of sight always
ends with something amazing: Le Louve, Notre Dame, Eiffel Tower, or of course
the famous Avenue des Champs-Elyse้es, the road which leads to and fro Concorde
Square. Perhaps you might like to view such things from the considerably higher
Eiffel Tower, but I wouldn’t recommend it. Its mighty cold, windy and cloudy up
there. To see Paris, you must see it from the heart.
Wrath of Zeus - Childhood Event of Note
Once, when I was thirteen years old, the sky turned black and the world nearly ended. I was in Rehoboth Beach, Deleware; where my father rents a beach house every year. After dinner, around 5:30pm, I rode my bicycle to the arcade on the boardwalk where I planned to spend the $20 I carried. Things were going very well until I heard a bit of commotion outside. I glanced outside and saw strangest thing; people were running; in the kind of way they only do in horror movies. I asked a bystander inside the arcade what was going on and he only frowned and pointed up towards the sky. As I wasn’t sure what he meant, I stepped outside and what I saw sent a shiver up my spine. A huge black shape in the sky was coming in quickly from the ocean. It didn’t move like any cloud I had ever seen and I was completely at a loss for what I was seeing. My gaze was trapped on this terrifying yet magnificent manifestation of nature. My awe was interrupted as more and more people began to run, seemingly in terror. The shape was filling up the whole sky over the ocean, the brutal waves were higher than I had ever seen, people were talking loudly, a low rumbling thunder was growing louder in the distance, there were shouts and screams, and I realized I had to make a decision quickly. Is the arcade an acceptable place to be for the end of the world? I didn’t mind it so much, but I realized that the power would certainly go out and I decided I could probably get home before the storm hit. I began walking quickly down the boardwalk. The rain started slowly and sporadically, but with the largest drops I had ever witnessed. I picked up my pace, and started running like everyone else. In the few minutes it took me to cover the half-mile of boardwalk and reach my bike, the sky had gone completely black, and the violent rain was no longer spread thinly. I was soaked in seconds, but nonetheless I ran on. After reaching and mounting my bike, I pedaled furiously off into the night just as the thunder had begun a deafening crescendo. The massive rain drops pounded against me, blurring what little visibilty I had from the flashes of lightning which seemed to chase me through the night. I was only a few blocks from the house, but I couldn’t read any of the street signs, and I was too scared to stop. Ahead of me, a bolt of lighting tore into a huge tree on the right. One of the large branches from the mighty fell into my path and I swerved to avoid it, narrowly escaping certain doom. While it took me nearly an hour of being hopelessly lost in the tempest to traverse the few blocks back home, I did manage to survive; the world didn’t end this time, but it sure was close.
MMORPG Addiction?
Last friday, before going out, I noticed the Star Wars Galaxies FREE 14-Day Trial on I haven't touched a MMORPG since I lost interest during the betas of Project Entropia and Anarchy Online. Also, I will point out that I am only in the US for another month or so before I return to my current residence in Thailand. This aside, I still was rather torn. One of the voices in my head said "Well Brett, there is the chance that you will like the demo, fall back into the gaming world where you will eventually find yourself in that fondly remembered state of mind where your characters life has priority over your own. Are you sure you can handle that kind of life again?" Another voice replied with a high pitched "bLiIiNng!". Well I downloaded the 2 gig file and spent nearly 2 hours reading everything I could find. Sadly I discovered that my video card doesn't support the shading technology required for running the game. GnIiLB!
Wednesday, June 02, 2004
"Swimming Lessons" A Story of Good vs Insurmountable Evil
When I was two I learned to swim and it wasn’t a pleasant experience. One morning each week my mother would drive me to the local pool. In the beginning, I went willingly as I wasn’t yet aware of the horrors involved with learning to swim. Each day I would be coaxed into the pool by an enormous woman. I was quite sure that she couldn’t possibly be any more capable of swimming than myself. Nevertheless, her feet touched the bottom, whereas my feet were many years from performing such a feat. At first, I trusted her to keep my head above water at all times. As is well known to all children who have yet to become adept in the swimming arts, certain death usually follows submergence. I certainly had yet to reach this skill level. It didn’t occur to me that such things were necessary at this stage. The first few lessons consisted almost entirely of rather relaxing bubble-blowing and flutter kick practice. I grew quite accustomed to this rather painless lifestyle. I believe it was on the fifth day when the trouble began. Someone, somewhere must have given the order to dunk my head into the water. Of course, I wasn’t forewarned that I had reached this proficiency level. Day five began as usual, with some warm-up kicks. Much to my chagrin, the enormous woman lifted me out of the water and hurled my flailing form into the abyss (later to be known as the "shallow end"). Upon breaching the surface, I flung my limbs about as best as I could. I knew I must reach the stairs or else this horrid lady might just throw me again. Gasping for air, I reached my seemingly impossible destination. I clambered out of the water and bolted for the pool entrance. Alas, this freedom was closed to me, for I was not yet capable of reaching the gate’s latch. Each lesson following was fairly similar, fleeing the adults as best I could. Inevitably, they would capture me and lead me to my fate: the big lady in the pool. These days I swim very well, but I’ll always be aware of the horrors of learning to swim.
The Super Secret Underground Ninja Cool Life of International High School Students in Thailand
I'd like to begin by pointing out that while I am studying in Thailand, I am by no means a high school student. However, I do study at an international school. It is an extremely expensive (by Thai standards) university that houses most of the rich students in the North of Thailand. It might also be helpful to note that I am 26 years-old, speak a fair amount of Thai and have been in Thailand for a bit over a year. Lets take it from there.
Last night I went drinking with a friend of mine from school. We went to a nightclub on the highway that I had never been to before. Most of the clubs of this variety are quite trendy. Often they will have live bands and a few lounge rooms where groups of people can hang out on comfortable chairs/sofas. Inside we met with a schoolmate of ours. She is in her early 30s. Everyone else in the crowded lounge room appears to be considerably younger. After inquiring as to the identities of these younger looking folks, I learned that they were all students from 2 of the major international high schools here.
Now lets stop there for a moment. Am I that old? Have things changed so dramatically in the *cough* 9 years since I left those same halls of misery? When I was 16 and finally realized that to have any kind of social life, I needed to pretend I was someone other than I was. Many kids realized this at a much younger age, but I must have missed that lesson because I was busy playing NES. Anyways, what I'm trying to say is that these kids here have it good. They can go hang out at night clubs where they often have more cash then the locals (and myself I suspect!) and do whatever they hell they want. Not so good looking? Not very athletic? No problem my friend, this is Thailand afterall. In this land of wonder, girls like you for slightly different qualities. They like us smart, but if you aren't smart and have lots of money...No problem !! Also, they like us nice, but again we won't turn away cock-monkeys with cash! Perhaps I'm stereotyping too much, but hell, it seems to me that more often than not, girls think security first here. Whoops, got on a rant there. Terribly sorry. Back to the point. These guys are regular 15-17 year olds who while they may need to deal with some of the normal teenager issues, they can all be 'the man' outside of school. Pretty nice eh? The first few times I discovered myself hanging out at these nightclubs with groups of friends ranging from 15-35, I thought it was a bit odd. I probably won't grow comfortable with it, for me the scene is rather boring, but for them it must be pretty sweet. Lucky wankers.
Last night I went drinking with a friend of mine from school. We went to a nightclub on the highway that I had never been to before. Most of the clubs of this variety are quite trendy. Often they will have live bands and a few lounge rooms where groups of people can hang out on comfortable chairs/sofas. Inside we met with a schoolmate of ours. She is in her early 30s. Everyone else in the crowded lounge room appears to be considerably younger. After inquiring as to the identities of these younger looking folks, I learned that they were all students from 2 of the major international high schools here.
Now lets stop there for a moment. Am I that old? Have things changed so dramatically in the *cough* 9 years since I left those same halls of misery? When I was 16 and finally realized that to have any kind of social life, I needed to pretend I was someone other than I was. Many kids realized this at a much younger age, but I must have missed that lesson because I was busy playing NES. Anyways, what I'm trying to say is that these kids here have it good. They can go hang out at night clubs where they often have more cash then the locals (and myself I suspect!) and do whatever they hell they want. Not so good looking? Not very athletic? No problem my friend, this is Thailand afterall. In this land of wonder, girls like you for slightly different qualities. They like us smart, but if you aren't smart and have lots of money...No problem !! Also, they like us nice, but again we won't turn away cock-monkeys with cash! Perhaps I'm stereotyping too much, but hell, it seems to me that more often than not, girls think security first here. Whoops, got on a rant there. Terribly sorry. Back to the point. These guys are regular 15-17 year olds who while they may need to deal with some of the normal teenager issues, they can all be 'the man' outside of school. Pretty nice eh? The first few times I discovered myself hanging out at these nightclubs with groups of friends ranging from 15-35, I thought it was a bit odd. I probably won't grow comfortable with it, for me the scene is rather boring, but for them it must be pretty sweet. Lucky wankers.
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