I was completely stunned by the view from atop the Arc de Triumphe.

The view from the top Arc de Triumph in Paris is spectacular. Looking down,
you can see the huge circular road intersection that surrounds the monument.
Piles of ant-like cars endlessly orbit the traffic circle. Scanning in any
direction, you find that the Arc appears to be the center of a huge work of art.
The city unfolds before your eyes in a nearly seamless picturesque map out of a
dream. Each road easing out from its source, as if beams of light from the sun.
Each tree almost caressing the roads they line, as if gently brushing the paths
for your vision. In the distance, in any direction, your line of sight always
ends with something amazing: Le Louve, Notre Dame, Eiffel Tower, or of course
the famous Avenue des Champs-Elyse้es, the road which leads to and fro Concorde
Square. Perhaps you might like to view such things from the considerably higher
Eiffel Tower, but I wouldn’t recommend it. Its mighty cold, windy and cloudy up
there. To see Paris, you must see it from the heart.
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