Sunday, December 26, 2004


Well I'm taken aback. It seems that someone reads my blog! Thanks Mr. Traina! Perhaps this will motivate me to write more often?

I have been drinking rather heavily since the week before finals. Since finals ended I have been staying out until nearly 4 am many nights! I will need to take a vacation from the booze pretty soon. During these many nights out, I have collected a rather large following of girls and their respective phone numbers. Its quite exhausting, but it sure is fun.

I really need to find a way to put pictures up here from internet cafes. Anybody know? I can't always be downloading and installing the program I used before.

Interesting words of the day:
窒息 (ちっそく) -to choke, suffocation
อะหยัง - Northern Thai for 'what?' (อะไร)
moil \MOYL\, intransitive verb:
1. To work with painful effort; to labor; to toil; to drudge. 2. To churn or swirl about continuously.

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