I am pleased to say that I got my timetable set up and it allows me a nice amount of freedom in my week. I have 4 classes, Arabic, Chinese, Conversational Indonesian and Discovering Music (essentially piano or guitar lessons and music theory). I have class from 11am - 5pm on Monday (Lectures for Indonesian and Arabic, followed by the 3 hour music class) with 10 minutes between each class to get to the next one. On Tuesday I have a Chinese lecture at 9am followed by tutorials in Chinese, Indonesian and Arabic. This day might cause some overload on my brain. Again 6 hours no break time. On Wed I have Arabic and Indonesian again, but this time I have an hour for lunch before Chinese class. Thursday and Friday I don't have any classes. I will probably get a job for those days, but that won't be for a couple weeks I imagine. I can't apply for a working visa until the 28th, when classes start.
Last night I went into the city with a few girls and we checked out a couple places. We went to one place that was pretty cool called Mai Tai that was suggested to me by Kumiko. The place was sickeningly expensive as far as food goes, but beer was pretty standard (standard is still too friggin expensive). After coming back I hung outside with a couple people talking about interesting things. We managed to get bunch of nice shots which I will put up over the next few days. Here is one to get you started. We were laughing pretty hard over something that isn't terribly hard to explain, but I think you'd need to have been there to properly appreciate it.

Madhavi is from Singapore while Fybian is from Zimbabwe. I am of course am from Thailand. Yesterday upon hearing that I am from there, a girl (guess where she's from..) asked me if I could speak Thailandese.
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