Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Week 2 Lost in Translation

Today was my first day of Translation I. After one day, I am not impressed. Firstly, our textbook is twenty years old. And I'm a little worried about our teacher's missionary background. She said that we would be translating part of the bible to/from our languages, which ends up being Japanese and/or Thai for me. I suppose it will be good practice or something. I tend to have trouble in classes like these and I'm not exactly sure why. Perhaps, I'm not actually challenged enough. Another possibility is that I tend to run into problems with some teachers who aren't terribly fond of my clarifying and/or challenging any of their remarks that I strongly disagree with. I suppose in an ideal situation, this would be used to foster learning, but in Thailand such things aren't a reality.

I worry that this class will be a battle of wits with the teacher. Its fun for me until they get upset, then I have to shut up to maintain an A and it gets boring. Let's see how long she can hold out! I think my CW teacher will do well, but I don't think the Translation teacher has it in her to handle me. Then again Tues and Thurs are very full for me so maybe I will be too tired to cause much trouble.

In other news, among the new students at school there are a large group of Burmese and a handful of Chinese, so I managed to charm a few Burmese girls into getting me started on the basics of Burmese if I manage to find any free time. I don't expect anything to come of this, but its nice to be able to read at least for karaoke purposes! I'm still building up my confidence to talking in Chinese. Soon enough.

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