Sunday, December 31, 2006

Lift Me Up

I've been working out pretty regularly this past year. I've had some periods where I was ill and had to start over which can be frustrating, but today, finally on the last day of the year, I managed to bench my own weight a few times. I'm pretty sure I've never done that before so it is a pretty good feeling.

As tonight is New Years and this city goes berserk, I think I will be doing a low key night at Niman bar, more commonly known as my "office." Its very cheap and I like the girls that work there. After that I'll see where the wind takes me. I don't like having plans and itineraries, they just make you feel bad about changing up bad situations. Meeting up with my friend/student whom I teach Thai to. I will be wearing my new gear that I bought in Japan. Should be interesting. Wish I had a camera. Oh well.

Happy New Years faithful reader(s).

행복한 새해가 되기를.

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