I checked out some shops here and I found some really good cheap clothing! I need more clothes for Australia. I'm fairly sure I will see three seasons or so during my term there.
I got invited to go camping in some far away national park this weekend. I can't decide if I will go or not. It would probably be good for me to take a break from the night life, but I'm not sure what to do. The other option would be to goto Bangkok. Sting has a concert there and there is an animation film festival! I am due to visit a few girls down that way anyways...
I want to goto the Mtv Asia Awards in Bangkok!! I've spent a fair amount of time searching, but no luck as of yet. I can't find contests or anything.
I'm attempting to sell some clothes that my friend designed on Ebay. We hope to start a business of sorts in the near future (after I return from Australia).
Thai people like to take pictures of each other. They also like to drag their friends into those damn photo shops everywhere and make them suffer through various poses as the computer voice babbles incoherently while your picture is taken every 6 seconds!! Argh. Well, here you go. You were warned. Don't let them take you in those scary shops if you can avoid it. Noom, Jenny, F, myself and some guy?
If you've survived this long, it would be wrong of me to leave out all the debauchery! Last night I went out with Sven. We started at this one pub near my place before heading to Warm Up. There was an Australian DJ and he was quite good. There was also far more amazing girls then I had ever seen before. Possibly because it wasn't as crowded as usual? Afterwards we went to Fashion House and it was pretty fun. There were so many girls and I attempted to talk to a few of them, but I was feeling pretty anxious even with the amount of beer I had consumed! I managed to get one number from a girl named D who is studying for her masters at Payap. It was a blast. After that we went to Forte for a bit, but we were both too drunk to drink anymore and I had harrassed enough women for one night. From there we went to the famous noodle shop near my place. Then off to sleep!!
I slept about 4 hours, but I feel pretty good today. No lesson today. Brain isn't fuctioning at full power today.
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