Friday, January 21, 2005

I feel Ill

I couldn't sleep again last night. I've been pretty ill all day. I think I have the flu or something. I watched The Godfather Part II. I don't think I'd ever seen it in its entirety before. Good stuff, but I think maybe I liked the first one better? I can't decide.

This is a shot from my trip to New Orleans. I was 19 and thin for the first time since I was 10.

日本語 - ~そうです It seems as if, it appears as if. While not confirmed, you can offer a supposition that something is so. This can also be used in making an observation on how someone appears to be feeling.

For Verbs, drop the ~ます and add ~そうです. Note that the following are intransitive verbs and have no direct object and cannot use を. The assumption is that the following are about to happen, but have not yet.
-荷物が落ちそうです。 It looks like that baggage is about to fall.
-火が消えそうです。 It seems that fire(candle, match, etc) might blow out.
ー今にも雨が降りそうです。 I think its about to start raining.

As for Adjectives, drop the い or な and add ~そうです.
-このケーキは美味しそうです。 This cake looks delicious.
-そのいすは丈夫そうです。 That chair looks sturdy.
-おもしろそうです。      (This, that, etc) seems/looks interesting.
-彼女は嬉しそうですね。    She looks happy eh?

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