Saturday, January 29, 2005

The Source of My Motivation?

I've been on a strict eating regimen for a week or so now. I've also started taking creatine again and I've stepped up my workout routine at the gym. I want to gain 3 kilos or so of muscle. I've also been very productive about studying both Thai and Japanese. I've increased my daily vocabulary intake. I feel good about things right now. I'm still a bit nervous about going to Australia, but not really. Mostly I'm worried about Pop. I'm infatuated for sure. I'll drop all these other girls of late in a second for this one. I've been taking 100mg of Zoloft every other day. 50mg was no longer enough for me to reap the benefits of it. I figured since the stuff stays in your system for a fairly long time, I could use the same amount of medicine and still get something out of it. Its working so far. I find that when taking drugs, I become immune very quickly to the effects if I take the same dosage for any length of time. I'm not sure where this recent burst of productivity has come from, but I'm guessing its this one particular girl. Is she the true source? Possibly, but I think it is more complicated than this. Sure I can get mushy about girls now and then, but mostly I don't like having a lot of emotional baggage/responsibility. I just can't handle that stuff well and it tends to detract from my ability to function in daily life. I know I will be sad to leave her. 見初める - misomeru - to fall in love at first sight.

My sleeping schedule is still pretty messed up. I'm forced to take naps sometimes. I'm exhausted often.

Speaking of her, while I was out with Kumiko and a handful of people who just graduated from Chiang Mai University, Pop and a friend of hers came out to meet me. After we went to another place and had some food. We made plans to eat and go sing some karaoke on Sunday. ตืนเต้น! (ตีน - wake up, เต้น - to dance, wake up + dance = to be excited)

Kumiko came back from Japan and gave me a fantastic Doraemon manga book for learning various types of vocabulary. Great stuff! Its hard to find books in Japanese that I can actually read.

For Japanese homework, I tried to tell the story of my previous post. It's probably not 100% correct, but I gave it my best.

女狂い (Girl-Crazy)

友達とビールを飲みに行った。彼女は僕の部屋に連れてくれた。アパートの外蚊がたくさんあったので、いっしょに部屋に 入って行った。それから、四方山話した。ややあって、他女の人僕に パジャマコールをして、「かぎを忘れてしまった!」と言った。だけど、かばんを持っていったが、鞄の中にめしかえがあったので、彼女はうそをついたかもしれません。彼女に目は僕の道に着いた後で彼女一目は僕の部屋を出た。何しろその時う後ろ暗い事が分からなかったので、困っているの人は助け出さなくちゃ。こんどことが少し可笑しかった。二目のは一目のに止めて、僕のアパート名前は聞いた。それから、一目の人は二目の人をアパートに送れてあげた。その日はとても面白かったが、いちばんびっくりしたのは夜の後で彼女二目には整然と僕のお手洗いを掃除した!もう二年間住んだのに、時にはタイ人は全然分からない。

I suppose I could go on, but I got a bit more homework to finish.

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