So I had my first Australian anxiety attack last night. It was during the party. It was too crowded outside and there were around 100 or so people. Nobody was talking to me for all of 30 seconds and I started getting very uncomfortable. I went in and out a few times. I stayed in and made myself dinner. There wasn't really any options for me at the bbq. A few people were like "Oh, but theres salad." WTF? I don't want salad. Vegans don't live off of salads. Jeez. I ended up asking my roommate if I could tap into his bourbon to solve my worries. It certainly helped. After a couple b&cokes things picked up. I met a whole mess of really nice girls from Hong Kong who were of course dazzled by the handful of things I can say in Cantonese. I also met a Japanese girl who pleased me greatly by only speaking Japanese to me. After 3 or 4 drinks, Traci made me a rather strong Vodka and Orange which I had to down rather quickly so we could goto the campus bar for study abroad night. I was pretty blasted and drank a number of beers. It was mostly girls and I had a really good time. Sometimes its ok to drown your anxiety. But I really wish I had some ('ahem) Zoloft so I didn't have to! When I got back to the international house I went over to Rebecca's place for a while and she fed me some peanut butter and jelly. Haven't had one of those in eons. As I stumbled home out of there I came across a number of people outside. One girl was very drunk and rolling around on the picnic table. Meanwhile people were pouring beer all over her. In her eyes, ears, clothes, etc. It was funny, but kind of pitiful at the same time.
Today I went to the this "chocolate factory" in the city with my Japanese club and a few girls from the IH. It turned out to not be a factory at all, but a shop that sells choclate. Not terribly interesting as I don't eat such things. After that we went to a couple wine-tastings and had lunch before a bit of shopping. It was pretty fun and I made a few Korean friends.
There is a some sort of Vietnamese party going outside at the moment and I'd like to join, but I don't really know any of them. I'll get out there shortly.
Today's pic is of Andrew, Stephen, Dave and myself in London. My hair is getting kind of shaggy and I'm debating going back to the shaved style.

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