What the hell were they doing?

Perhaps I won't drop Indonesian after all. My tutorials for Arabic and Indo went quite well. I was worried about the time necessary to keep up, but pulled it off very smoothly. Chinese class was boring as hell. I sat next to this one guy who is fluent in Chinese and taking it for easy credits. On the other side of me was a Chinese-Indonesian who can read and write fairly well and speaks far better then I do. She seems pretty cool though. She was impressed with my Indonesian of course.
I suppose I can probably handle this workload. I put in my application for my work visa. Hopefully it won't take too long. I be needin 'da K@$4.
I don't know if its this way for everyone these days, but I have a seemingly unlimited supply of Gmail invites. If anybody needs an account just give me a holler.
Speaking of Indonesian, (well I was earlier) why don't I give you a run down of what I'm supposed to be able to use fluently tomorrow. Both sides of the following conversation. I have to be able to mix expressions/words with similar meanings and not just memorize the text. Here goes.
Ani - Selamat siang, Bu Indah. Mau ke mana?
Indah - Mau belanja. Ani juga belanja di sini?
Ani - Ya, rumah saya dekat sini.
Indah - Di mana?
Ani - Di Jalan Nuri. Dekat kantor pos. Rumah Ibu di mana, ya?
Indah - Ruma saya di Jalan Meltati. Dekat rumah Pak Budi.
Ani - O begitu... Permisi dulu, Bu. Saya mau ke rumah.
Indah - Mau ikut ke pasar?
Ani - Terima kasih, Bu. Saya mau ke rumah.
Indah - Mari. Sampai bertemu lagi.
Nice eh?
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