Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Langauge Woes - New Digs - Family Matters

My music class kicks ass. Its like honours kindergarten. Its nice to see teachers that actually know how to efficiently pass on information.

Well I have an hour and seven minutes until I have my first Indonesian tutorial. I haven't learning anything in class yet I am supposed to be fluent. The odds aren't so good. I'll let you know what happens.

As you can see there are some new things on the site. I put a search bar, feed link (so you can just subscribe to see when I update rather then waste your time checking manually) and a few text ads. I'm like to do some major renovations on the whole site layout by hand, but I don't know when/if I'll have time to do that. Please leave a comment if you feel the site is starting to get too cluttered or anything. Color suggestions are also welcomed.

On Somethingawful.com for March 7th, there was a post about Jamie Foxxworth, the youngest daughter from Family Matters who mysteriously vanished from the show after the fourth season. Seems she ended up in porn after that. Nice!

In related SA news, March 7ths Awful Link of the Day is to Minimac, some kid who draws comics. While the art isn't terribly impressive, I thought the most recent one was pretty funny. Watcha think??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ah...musings from the other side of the Earth. Good rants make the mind more its own, so blahblahblahblahblahblahblah
individuality is the strengthening of the only self one can claim true ownership of and to insure the freedoms of that self one must exhibit a set of ethics that is greater than what is prescribed by the society that one lives in thereby guaranteeing that one attention from others who will seek him or her out as the example by which to adjust their own moral codes.
is "gua rant eeing" spelled right?
dig it kiddo. Music is the best, although I may be biased in this regard, communicative device humans have. Channel that gandharva!
and the minimac comic: hmm...
maybe I shouldn't think about it.
Groovin', Brett. Now I can post, and I will sign up to have my name, and not anonymous, listed as the author.
till then, during then, and after then,
all good things.