A friend of mine here made me an appointment with one of the doctors on campus. Hopefully I can get a prescription for some Zoloft so I don't have any problems when (if?) I get some sent to me.
I've watched the first 7 episodes of the Sopranos on dvd. Addictive stuff.
Japanese club is tonight. After that there is a Traffic Light party on campus. Your supposed to wear red if your single or something and green if you wanna score and yellow if you are somewhere in the middle. I think I will wear blue.
I realize I haven't been very good about language lessons lately. I have started writing the first Arabic lesson, but its turning out to be harder (see:slower) to type than I had hoped. I'll put it up when I can. In the meantime, here is some other language stuff for all you loyal fans.
รักษา -(rak-saa)-[rak is a high tone, while saa is pronounced with a rising tone] to keep, to look after (a sick person, a pet) to care for (as in the moral idea). I can't say I use this word very often in speech and its not so commonly spoken, but it is very important in writing.
คล่อง -(klawng)-[falling tone] agile, fluent (this is the word you want to hear in language compliments after you graduate from speaking "ชัด" (which means clearly). I've also read that it can be used to indicate freedom of movement or situation, but I can't say for sure if this is correct as I've never heard/read it in that context.
熟練した暗殺者 (jyuku_ren_shita) an-satsu-sha)
--a skilled assassin
熟 - implies a strong ability at ~~
練 - a skill or discipline
暗 - darkness
殺 - kill or murder
者 - person
暗殺者 - a person who kills in the dark!
C'mon people, its easy!

Certain jobs just aren't appropriate for the ninja monkeys.

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