Well not really, but we did go to the beach and the female to male ratio was unlike anything I've ever seen outside of Sligo, Ireland. I was invited out to the city with a pre-game session at the beach beginning early last night. Myself and six girls went to Flinders station where I was informed where we had to meet up with a few other friends. Four more girls(denmarkians!, or Danish if you prefer). From there we bought some beer and got on the tram heading towards the beach. On the way there, the only girl at the International House that has managed to truly incur my ire was surprisingly less annoying then the last time I found myself trapped and forced to converse with her. We made it to the beach and this particular girl made a bit of a scene. But enough about pitiful people. We hung out on the beach and I told some of my stories to the seemingly eager crowd and I'm fairly sure I was entertaining. I told of the time when I lived in my car for a few months and became very good at picking up girls at bars and sleeping at their place(water with lemon?). I also told them a few of my more amusing run-ins with the law. Following this we went into this bar called the
Espy. It was decent. I hung out for a while, but I didn't drink much more as I had already had my fill. The smoke began to get to me after a short while and I went outside with a couple people. After a bit I headed back to catch the last tram. I wasn't up for taking a cab and I'm glad I got out when I did. I woke up with a few packs of smokes stuck inside my face and lungs. It will take all day just to flush out the worst of it. Blech. Stop smoking all you bastards! You're killing me.
Today's unrelated picture:

Hamilton Applebees - A few days before I left the US.
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