Monday, February 06, 2006


I was so exhausted earlier tonight and yet here I am slightly after midnight and I'm not even the slightest bit tired. This is my life.

I gave my first Thai lesson today to my current Korean teacher and her successor. While they both seem fairly capable in some regards, they are lazy/confused with tones (like most people beginning to learn a tonal language) and less problematic, but equally troublesome (for the teacher) have yet to learn how to correctly pronounce the 32 vowel sounds. After studying Korean for 3 hours, its pretty tiring to teach Thai for an hour, but I can't refuse the lady who teaches me for free 3 hours/week.

I got word back that I managed to pass the Business English exemption exam. I got an A. Big surprise. I wish I didn't have to pay to take exams whose classes offer me no information that I don't already have. Or in this case, information that I spent nearly a year of my life teaching.

I miss piano. I really wish I could afford a keyboard, but until I score some work, I don't see myself being able to get one. I have a few job opps in the work at the moment. I have an interview next week and I'm waiting to hear back on some writing jobs. On top of that, there is a chance I will get a 3 days gig organizing a language camp in the south of Thailand. If I can score this job, I will be a happy guy. It would mean I could probably buy a nice keyboard and a new computer. In the meantime I won't get excited. I live a life of broken promises. But I can hope, can't I?

Pictures are a problem. As my writing abilities are somewhat limited, I wish I could better illustrate my life with actual pictures. Alas, I have no camera. My words must suffice for now.

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