Sunday, February 04, 2007


I started the new job yesterday. I got there 5 minutes late. There was this huge parade in the city that I didn't know about and we actually had to invade the parade and go at its pace for a while before I had to jump off the bike and clear a path so we could get off of the road on the moat much to the chagrin of the locals. It took nearly an hour to get to the mall that is about 12 minutes away.

My "class" consists of one 6 yr old boy who speaks pretty much no English. He can respond to a few basic questions and knows the typical transliterated into Thai pronunciation of some English words, but he can't really spell much and I wasn't really sure where to begin. The main problem is that I will only see him once a week and its a 2 hour class! That is too long for anybody, especially a little kid. More likely we will be studying for 20-30 min at best and playing for an hour and a half. As I am salaried, until the school finds more people and therefore more classes, I am making 3,125 Baht/hour (around US$90ish) . And I just work Saturdays. This is a completely unheard of wage for esl teachers in Thailand, or anywhere for that matter. The cost of living here is very low, so that actually covers all of my bills and then some. Good-tastic.

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