Saturday, October 22, 2005

Exams and Doom

So I did fairly well on my exams. I got 100 on my Enviro. Probs in SE Asia. It was pretty easy. As for Translation, I got a depressing 89. I forgot a couple terms, but for the most part, that test wasn't difficult either. It often doesn't seem worth my time. I'm not sure if I've 'learned' anything in Env class, but it is interesting. On the other hand, I've learned lots of terms and theories concerning translation, but most of it seems pretty obvious to me. Oh well. I'll always have my language schools.

I need to do some journaling for my creative writing class, so I'll probably be posting it all here as I dislike handwriting.

I saw Doom yesterday. It was ok. Kind of entertaining, but it just wasn't Doom. They changed the plot too much. Ah well. Might see Flight Plan today if I have time.

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