Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Well, to my grand disappointment, I have finally admitted to myself that there just isn't any financial way for me to make it to Japan on this trip. I'm so close, but it isn't going to happen. This is going to really destroy my credibility with all of the people I told I was coming. I thought I could pull it off, but I erred by coming to Korea first rather than Japan. Therefore, I won't be here too much longer. I'm heading back to Thailand on the 27th rather than the 5th as I don't want to impose too much longer on my 3 hostesses. Tomorrow I am heading to Daegu to visit Will, another Korean whom I befriended in Seoul. I'll just stay there one night before coming back to Seoul.

Yesterday, I saw King Kong. While it did have some flaws, I'm tempted to call it a fantastic remake. Over three hours and I didn't even notice it was that long. Perhaps, that is all that really matters, how long it 'feels'. Good stuff.

I visited Gyeongbok, which was built during the Chosun/Joseon Dynasty sometime towards the end of the 14th century. As my luck would have it, the place was closed and I'm not sure I'll get over there again this trip, but I suppose its possible. The place is huge. Just looking at the outer and inner gates and the maps, the word palace seems a bit weak. It used to have hundreds of buildings, but many of them have been destroyed and rebuilt so I have no clue how many are there now. Oh well. I bet it would have been pretty amazing. Instead, we went in the palace museum next door which was boring and small as far as museums go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Brett Dog, I quit smoking bro, not sure if I ever mentioned that....when you coming to the states, would love to hang with you.