Thursday, February 24, 2005

Mystery Bus Tour

So tonight was the Mystery Bus Tour hosted by Deakin during O-week (orientation). We all paid $7 to wait for a long friggin time to be loaded onto buses that took us to 4 different (mostly shitty) bar/pub/nightclub-type places. I went with Jada (Singapore), Anthony and Ayu (both Malay). The first place was filthy. The second place sucked. The third was filthy and sucky. The last place was almost fun I think, but it was too crowded. We had exactly one hour in each place before the buses would return and ship us to the next crappy spot. The real shitty part was that while there were 10-12 buses that took us out, only 4 came back to bring us home. They told us 1am, but we got there at 12:45 and the last bus was leaving. A whole mess of people had to get a cab home. Luckily a 10-person maxi-cab drove by and I found enough people to fill it in a few moments. Could have been worse I guess. We took a bunch of pictures tonight and after I get them I will post a couple as long as I look good. Should work out alright ;-).

I bought a couple books today. Arabic, Indonesian and the music class. The music books look ridiculously easy for me. The Indonesian stuff looks fine also. The Arabic is a bit intimidating, but it will be fine I'm sure. No word on the Chinese book.

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