Saturday, July 23, 2005

I wanna go to the island!

Please forgive me if I'm a bit off today. I am still sick and was unable to sleep at all last night. I studied the night away. But more on this later.

The Island is absolutely the most fun I've had at the movies in quite a long time. Considering I went by myself, and I've seen almost everything that came out this year, thats pretty impressive. The action was intense. I suppose it did have some flaws and a few minor holes, but all in all, fun stuff. I may very likely go watch it again, and thats something I almost never do with my twisted memory.

Speaking of memory, during my all-nighter I studied quite a bit. I tried out James Heisig's preview of his book Remembering the Kanji and somehow managed to memorize around 150 of the characters over the course of a few hours. Just by reading through once, a number of characters remained in my head for easy access. I made flash cards for the ones that didn't make it through, and I'm pretty confident with them now. Its a great system and I just ordered the book from Amazon.

I'm getting sleepy now. To hot to go home. Maybe I will go walk around the mall to stay awake. Argh.

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