Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Detox Day 3

So I'm still off the booze. I haven't even remotely craved it which is kind of nice. Of course, I didn't sleep at all the first night, and while I fell asleep for about 2 hours last night, I woke up at 1:30 in the morning and couldn't fall back asleep. Its 5:30pm now and I had a long rough day. I tried to offer a better solution to me switching majors as a number of things came to my mind. I shouldn't make decisions when I haven't slept, but I had not time. I need to go to school again tomorrow to pick up my papers. Today I paid and picked my 4 classes, Chinese III, Thai IV, Enviornmental Problems (in SE Asia?) and some strange required math class. I'm going to be extremely busy. And after mid-terms, if I do make the switch, its gonna be really rough as I will essentially be studying at two universities along with 12 hours/week at private schools.

I suppose my main worry, is that Lia is going to come here for a month. I'm going to have to find some free time to spend with her. I also need to figure out how/if/when I can go to Korea. I'll figure something out soon hopefully. Or perhaps I'll just die from language-overload?

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