Friday, March 04, 2005

Vinyl Shuriken and TITS

So after another night of very little sleep and bizarre dreams I sit in front of my two evil computers offering you yet another wonderful episode of my incessant babbling. It is quite nice to get some of those crazy words outside of my head now and then. I thought I had to reduce my vocab to a humbler level in Thailand, but I am under the distinct impression that people in this country aren't much better off in that category. Although I impressed with how many Australians can speak non-European foreign languages.

As I sit here listening to Peter Gabriel and not working on mastering the conversations that I will need to be fluent in for Indonesian class by Tuesday and Wednesday respectively, I have been attempting to divert my nonproductive mood into a source of shame and amusement that may kick-start me later today. I have decided to put a Google PageRank Checker on my page. Basically you can compare my rank on a scale of 1-10 with any other page. Alright so its not that exciting.

I want - no rather I must attain the final book in Stephen King's Dark Tower series. Aptly titled The Dark Tower, this book has been out far to long for me not to have it. I saw it in a bookstore here for some obscene amount of money and had no trouble not buying it (I didn't have enough!). If only this dog-shaped rock had Amazon!!

暗殺 - (an-satsu) assassination - the first character means dark and the second means to kill. Nice 'eh?

満足する - (man-zoku) to settle for (something) - man means to be full while zoku in this instance has to do with having enough of something.

理解する - (ri-kai suru) to figure out

恐ろしい - (oso-roshii) frightening

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