Sunday, March 06, 2005

What kind of country is this?

Along with Jada, one of the girls from Singapore, I waited for the bus today for nearly 45 minutes before giving up and returning home. I looked online and discovered that there aren't friggin buses on Sundays. During the week supermarkets all close by 5:30. I wonder how people with full time jobs ever find time to go shopping?

My workload is quite impressive. I've been at it every day and I'm still not ready for Indonesian. I think I'm ok for the rest, but I don't feel terribly strong in anything other than Chinese. We'll see how week 2 goes.

I got this cool composer software for music class so I shall being working on my first symphony today. I'm also shopping for keyboards as I need something to bang on in my free time. I only brought a harmonica.

Last night I watched Twister, SW Episode I (While most people despised J-J, I could never stand that kid and his horrible acting), and Ni Lev(Nine Lives), a 'famous' Norwegian movie about some soldier who has many brushes with death, blindness, amputation and insanity as he is helped on his way to safety. The problem with the plot is that you never have any clue why everybody is helping this guy and why it is so imporant that everybody risks their lives to help him. There are some scenes where the conversation might well have been where the Matrix got lots of its lines from ("Is he the one?", "What if he's not the one?", "We will risk everything because he must be the one.(even though we can't be sure)", etc. Well I guess it was the best Norwegian movie I've ever seen(or will see for that matter).

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