Monday, January 31, 2005

Countdown to Oz?

My time here is running short. I leave on the morning of the 8th. Everyone's fighting to be the one to send me off at the airport (or maybe it was just one person who asked if they could come along!). I suppose I should start packing soon. I may actually need to buy a suitcase after all. I'm not such a big fan of luggage, but I got to take lots of crap with me so I don't have to buy it over there.

I think I'm going to need to go to Bangkok for one night this week, but I'm feeling lazy to do so. I keep telling my ex-girlfriend from Phitsanulok that I will visit her.

I don't have so much to say at the moment, but I did upload a few pics that should bring some fun stories out of my head soon. In the meantime, here is Jenny, Gai, and Pop. Sorry if its slow loading. It is a large pic, but worth seeing.

Geocities is pissing me off. It can barely handle any traffic. I am going to need to get more webservers.

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